*Set in 2015 and onwards*Ashton Irwin is put into a mental hospital(South Sydney Mental Health Institution-[SSMHI]). He meets Katie-Ann Hood in there. Ashton is in there for depression and self harm. Katie-Ann is there for depression, anxiety, self harm and anorexia. Katie-Ann is 22 years old and co-incidently, is Calum Hoods older sister, who was 'killed' in a 'fatal' car accident. Calum, Luke and Michael come to visit Ashton in SSMHI and meets Katie-Ann for the first time. Calum knows as soon as he sees Katie-Ann, that she is his 'dead' sister. He collapses from shock and is admitted to hospital. Katie-Ann knew about Calum being in 5SOS, and was hoping that he wouldn't find her...
For more, read 'Stay Strong'