This story follows two friends who get involved with curses and jujutsu sorcerers, Madara Uchiha age 16 and Sosuke Aizen age 16 both attend jujitsu tech and are sent along with Fushiguro Megumi to look into the missing special grade cursed object that is located near a highschool. Madara and Aizen have a rivalry but are close friends, they are regarded as some of the only people with the potential to eventually surpass the one and only Gojo Satoru The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer.
This will follow the events of the anime and then the manga, If you have not read the manga then I do not recommend reading further after the anime portion of the story. Make sure to follow the story (and me please 😭) for updates on my stories.
Note this is NOT the actual Marara or Aizen transported into this world or anything. As for their evolved forms they will be addressed in the arcs during the manga,
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