67 capítulos Em andamento MaduroAfter event of Trihexa,the woman in Issei harem except Asia,Ravel,Rossweisse,Yasaka and Kuroka(Ophis not in harem because she see Issei as brother) decided to break up with Issei because they deem Issei to perverted to their taste and claim he doesn't care about their feelings (yeah right,of course he would be act a pervert,you all tempt and seduce him all the time and blueballed him everytime) heartbroken,when the others(Sirzech, Michael,Azazel,Odin,Vali etc etc) give him encouraging words (Sirzech,Grayfia and his parents disappointed with Rias) Issei said
Issei:i wonder how i would be like if I'm not a pervert and if i could see it...
???: Wish Granted , let's do it Corbenik
Corbenik:On it*proceeds to kidnap Dxd characters*so.. what we gonna do with them?
???: just yeet them to Skeith house, payback from teleport me to Boku no Deadpool verse
Corbenik:da heck you do for him to teleport you there?!!
???:.........i.. accidentally.. sent him to yandere kuroinu verse...
Corbenik:.......... you both an idiot... whatever...YEEETT!! *throw bags containing unconscious dxd cast to Skeith house*