You and some friends went out to karaoke bar one night, only for you to run into a cute, Innacent looking, Blonde boy. He had chin-length hair and eyes as blue as sapphires. He also had an array of piercings and a couple of tats. But that was what you like about him. He was innocent and looked like a badass at the same time. Over time you became friends, and even more. Little did you know. You innocent blonde bestie, was not-so-innocent. In fact you could say that he was the Equivalent to Dracula. Will (y/n) and Armin last? Or will they face some obstacles that will push each other into the opposite direction? Find out more in If 'You Were Dracula' Story inspired by 'Dracula' by Bea Miller. {Disclaimer: I do not own rights to any of Bea Miller's Music, Isayama's Great Characters;Such as Armin, nor do I own you. Unless you made a contract with a very attractive Raven-Haired Demon. I only own the plot and a few OCs.}All Rights Reserved