Her name is Sylvia, she is 19 years old, average looking, and loves murder.
When she was 17 years old, homicidal tendencies came to play in her life, and the voices in her head (Philip and Nicholas, as she later names them) told her to kill her family. After doing so, she fled from St. Charles, Illinois to Fort Wayne, Indiana. There, she continued her murderous rampage and was crowned the name the X murderer, given her 'calling card' on the victim's bodies, though no one knew who she was. Living in an abandoned warehouse, her condition grew worse, and another voice forced its way into her head. It drove her mad, and the only way out seemed to be jumping off of a bridge.
But a certain tour bus driving by with a metal band saw her jump, only to rush down and save her from drowning in the icy waters below the bridge.
Warning: swearing, horrific scenes of murder and disturbing events.
This is my Christian Coma fanfiction, enjoy.