In the thrilling sequel to Cinq Destin, tragedy casts a dark pall over the opulent palace of France. With the competition narrowing down, securing Prince Nicholas' heart grows ever more cutthroat. But a shocking murder of one of the Selected upends everything.
Amid distraught emotions and suspicions running high, our five leading ladies, Delilah, Arabella, Jacqueline, Chantilly, and Corinne, band together to investigate the killing's sinister secrets. What they uncover could threaten far more than the competition - it could upend the kingdom itself. Even as the allure of the prince and other temptations continue to pull them in.
Yet with political tensions escalating into talk of war with the Kingdom of New Asia, the palace grows more perilous by the day. Navigating romance, betrayal, and looming danger, each girl must stay savvy and determined to make it through The Selection alive. Because the stakes for the kingdom - and the prince's heart - couldn't be higher.
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