when heart surpasses the supremacy of mind, and Cupid’s arrow mistakenly strikes the hearts and hearts begin to wander and play it is then when tragedy finds its way when the music operator fails to harmonize the melody and music begins to fool around and poets write poems of misery it is then when tragedy has seated comfortably when chemistry fails to combine the elements of love and lovers find comfort in the other side and untruthfulness breeds so much stronger that is when tragedy expresses its joy forever when love bounces mistakenly and partners lost their intimacy and this paves the way to infidelity that illicit lovers experience becomes a tragedy. all these things can bring momentary joy for two displeased people who want to be free and both lovers share the sweetest flares but tend to forget the ending it bears don’t ever imagine the moment’s freedom and joy to be right because this episodic love affair can never survive heart break and sorrowful fate have to follow yet and this story will be more tragic than Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.