I should of never got in her inbox. I should of just liked her picture and kept strolling like I usually do. I should of just kept FUC*ING strolling and logged off like I usually do. What the fu*k is wrong with me? Why do I let my emotions get the best of me? Why can't I fight temptations? I SHOULD OF JUST LIKED HER PICTURE AND KEPT STROLLING LIKE I USUALLY DO? DAMN MAN! I said to myself punching my bathroom mirror and shattering it. I couldn't even stand to look at my own reflection. Walking out of the bathroom to get the broom to clean up my mess, all I could think about was how she left me on read. I mean if you read a message it's just the right thing to do to respond right? This woman be leaving me me on read like I'm a damn predator or some. I mean all I said was "goodmorning beautiful". And sometimes I'd write her "good afternoon baby". Or sometimes I'd say, "good night luv". And it never fails she always leave me on read. But this time she hurt my heart, this bit*h blocked me. I logged on and couldn't find her name in the search no more. Why she do me like this? Why she blocked me? I loved her and this the thanks I get. DAMN MAN! But I should of never got in her inbox. I should of just kept strolling like I usually do. But nall I caught her, raped her, and killed my homeboy sister. And nobody knows but me. Damn I should of.All Rights Reserved