26 parts Ongoing The story revolves around six best friends- NaRyah, Lennox, Vandaya, De'Andre, Jermani, and Kyrin-who are known as "MD4L" (My Dawg 4 Life). They've been inseparable throughout high school, bonded by loyalty and shared experiences. Now, as they enter their senior year at Jefferson Ikes High, they're ready to make the most of their final year together, navigating the highs and lows of school, relationships, and future plans.
However, their seemingly unbreakable bond is tested when a mysterious force begins targeting the group, stirring up tension, secrets, and conflict within their tight-knit circle. From anonymous rumors that spread through social media to strange, manipulative events that drive wedges between them, the friends must face the growing pressure and decide what MD4L really means.
Started: May 7th, 2024
Revised: November 7th, 2024
Finished :