One year after the events of Resident Evilove, following the deaths of Moreau, Daniela and Miranda, a new order has been established. Mathias Derune has accepted his status as new lord and now lives in the castle with his wife, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, with whom he lives in perfect love. The couple, with the support of Bela, Cassandra, and also Donna Beneviento, maintain a lasting balance in the valley and the village. But this period of peace comes to an end when a new enemy, an obscure organization, reveals itself and seems determined to seize all the mutants present in the valley, for their own interest.
Meanwhile, Karl Heisenberg, who continues his road trip around the world to enjoy his freedom, also finds himself targeted in Canada by this same organization, and will also meet a young woman who is lost and on the run, Emily Shepard, who also seems to be hunted down by this terrorist organization called The Connections.
Mathias and Alcina don't know it yet, but they will find themselves plunged into the heart of an international plot, which could well lead to a new bioweapons race and therefore to a fearest future: the third world war.
There was always a mysterious creature lurking in the village graveyard outside its borders that no one goes to, for with the graveyard was a house that was long abandoned for years or that's what people thought.
During the time of Mother Miranda's rule this fifth lord was the very first she met. The Other lords never knew of this until the time with Ethan Winters came to the village; that is when the fifth lord finally comes out from her dark world and out into the light to meet the other four lords in the meeting to talk about what to do with Ethan Winters.
That's when a certain man takes a liking to the young lady, Lord Heisenberg sees a lot more than just a creature; drawn to her dark past things become a little heated between the two once they finally get to talking to each other and getting to know one another finding themselves wanting the same goal in the end.
P.S: I do not own anything to do with Resident Evil, I just love the game and wanted to write a story of my own that I have been thinking about doing for a while now.
Hope You All Enjoy!