You were just living life in the suburbs of the town you grew up in, working on your education and future while jobbing part time in a coffee shop near your home to make some extra money. Next thing you know a scholarship brings you to Porimma, a city in a country you've never even been to but just so happens to have one of the best education institutes you know of: Mournfall Academy. You worked hard, very hard, to get grades good enough so Mournfall would even consider taking you. Perhaps that's what bothers you about Sage. His grades aren't great at all, his manners aren't either. Yet he's at the same elite school as you, with chances for the same future. All just because- actually, why even? It can't be long until he falls. Until he fails. And you can't wait for it. You want it. Right? I don't owe the characters or story this is based on (I mean that's how fan fiction works yk the thrill) Special thanks to spirit_bound_art and jadelan54 on instagram for creative input