"Ash has been taken care of...." Said a masked figure looking at a corpse "Alright now dispose of the girl that trusted her, and make this quick we have stuff to do" replied a voice. The masked figure turnt to the two in the door way "you should've shot that arrow when you had the chance old man" the masked figure said before pulling out a gun and shooting at Magic. "MAGIC RUN GO TO GRAEICE!" Owen ordered jumping in front of the arrow. "In the meantime....." Owen said as his skin started to become grey "There shall be blood" ___________________________________ The multiverse is a concept of which we know threateningly little, but what we do know is there are infinite possibilities but there's also not in order for the multiverse to exist it must co-exist with the omiverse, which is an multiverse of multiverses, say Ben 10 and The Dream smp DONT exist in the same same multiverse because the creator would never do that for Ben 10 but it could exist in the fannon verse which is a place only accessible in the omiverse. So we know there's an limited infinite versions of ourselves, well now this begs the question what if an aspect of a different you somehow got in your own subconscious how would that effect you? Well that's excatly what subject OW/P is about to find out after all that's what we've done to him.All Rights Reserved