To find yourself in a world you don't recognize at first would be a terrifying thing. The more you look around though, the more you noticed things that seem "familiar" to you. They definitely don't correspond to what your own world looks like, but for some reason, why does it feel as if you've seen these things before?
Y/n has found himself in a land he didn't recognize at first. Though as he walks around and takes in his surroundings, the feeling of terror ripples along his body.
He was transported into a world of fiction, one he so truly loved and adored.
Why though, why was it this one? One so cool and amazing from watching it on a screen, but oh so terrifying when you find yourself living and breathing in a place that could easily take your life away.
This is an experimental story, please don't expect God-like writing from me.
Note: This was supposed to be a self-insert but I decided to change it. If there are any remains of what was originally written, such as specific eye colors, a specified name, lmk and I'll fix it right up.
Note 2: I switch between he/it pronouns for neopronoun purposes. It should be easy to replace "it" with he but I never see fanfics with the "it/it's" pronouns and im well aware there are some who use em.