I stood there with tears in my eyes, i was in the prefects bathroom "What's wrong, you seem upset" it came from a familiar voice. "Do you really care Pansy?" I sobbed. "Sure just tell me" she looked at me. "Fine, Harry and Ron doesn't want me to be their friend, apparently they just can't respect other's feelings so I just feel that nobody wants me anymore, nobody wants me to be theirs" I was now crying as much as Moaning Myrtle usually did. She pushed me up against the wall, put her face so close to mine that I could feel her breath and she whispered "why not be mine?" A love story between Hermione Granger and Pansy Parkinson *disclaimer none of these characters are made by me, they all come from the Wizarding world universe made by J.K Rowling Art credits: Idah.artAll Rights Reserved