A boy named Alpha Moon lives with his Dad, younger brother Levi, younger sister Blood, and younger brother Blue. Works at a club called Club Shadow with best friend Rochee the owner. A new student named Cloud Strypher comes and his Mom shows up with a new man named JK Swan with his other siblings younger sister Luna, younger sister Cheyanne, younger brother Gabrien, and youngest sister Tinsel. What will happen to them? How are the Vampire, Werewolves, and Humans siblings going to be like after meeting years later? What will happen to Alpha and Cloud?
The outcasts of their pack, Dylan and Casey meet the mysterious Grey who breaks the rules of mating practices by being their third soulmate and change their lives for the better, but when there's a chance they'll lose Grey, Casey must accept his destiny as the Alpha of his pack before everything goes up in flames. Literally.
Grey Weathers thought he was going on a relaxing vacation with his "friend with benefits" pal, until he walks right into two people that seem like the perfect couple, Dylan and Casey. What he doesn't know is that this couple are actually mates. Dylan and Casey are a couple of werewolves and their instincts are telling them that Grey is more special than he knows.
Grey finds himself in the middle of family drama, bloody secrets and a plot that would like to see every supernatural creature wiped from the face of the earth. All this is a lot to deal with, especially when he's falling in love with not just one, but two people. Could they be falling in love with him too? Is that possible? To fall in love with someone like him?
Cover designed by Ren T