(Dark and mysterious title, despite the fact that the premise of the book is just some people goofing off. Title may have meaning later though, who knows? Well, I do but I can't just go and tell you because that would be way to easy)
Fame isn't all it's cracked up to be, Bryan realized that pretty quickly. He was lucky enough that his fame was short-lived, his work taking off but soon leaving his name behind. But, he wasn't all that disappointed with that outcome. People call him egotistical or cocky or prideful, but in the end knowing he did something that touched the world was enough for him even if he faded to obscurity.
What Bryan wasn't content with was stopping his work as a scientist. He was finding it increasingly hard to get hired at any lab or research facility since his type of study just wasn't what they were looking for. Bryan knew that there were hidden and some downright horrific secrets in the world, and his time at the SCP facility made him want to learn about all of them. A lot of people just weren't interested in that sort of thing, and would rather be looking for the unknowns in the body or on other worlds.
But Bryan finally got his big break when two investors reached out to him and a few other scientists, offering to give them a lab and fund their research of the unknowns of the world and more, as long as they all worked together and gave the information to them first. Bryan was ecstatic to finally get the chance to do what he had been dreaming of for so long, and so he jumped at the opportunity.
Little did he know how much he would get from the deal.