James- a childish, annoying, obnoxious and a bit aggresive 15 year old boy has been put upon high standards and expectations from the people around him. From strict teachers to narcissistic and sadistic parents. You could call him nothing but a bundle of nerves. He has just entered his sophomore year in Geodesium High School, where he for the past year has been shut out, ignored and hated for the most part because of his looks and jumpy personality. He still had high hopes for finding a friend, or maybe even a girlfriend?
Daniel- a short-tempered, rebelious, attractive and very selfish 18 year old boy has been transfered to a high standard high school for his high potential. He was one of the most clever but cruel people you could meet. He brang nothing but trouble to his old school, so they simply pushed him two grades back right into somphomores year. He wasn't very happy about that, but he couldn't argue with it. His father doesn't give a shit about his achivements, he is a alchie and an addict . He has no mother, she passed away a few years into his life, which was a shock and trauma to the still young him.
As you, dear reader, can see, these two boys are comepletely different, could it be that something will pull them right together and make them one?
Enraged by Jayce's infuriating words I couldn't hold back from using all my strength to shove against his chest, not that it was very affective . . . Either way I blacked out, being brought back a few short moments later when my back was brutally slammed into the metal lockers behind me. His glowering figure towering over me as he aggressively braced my shoulders against the lockers, an ominous glint in his darkening blue eyes as he glared down at me . . . As noticed, Kat and Jayce aren't the best of friends . . . Rather the opposite. They have never really been able to get along. Arguing with each other was part of their everyday lives, they didn't know how to interact any other way, this becomes a problem when their History teacher assigns a two week long project with them being partners. From then on it could only get worse as they continue to fight . . . Especially when one of them takes their words a little too far . . .