Patrick Karikas had always loved beautiful Holtsville Ny with its teeny, teeny-tiny trees. It was a place where he felt happy because he was familiar with the area since he grew up there and has many memories there. However, he has been treated very badly by society and neglected even by his own family and it's very terrible. So this story is about my life and how it is and how it turned out and I just wish for a better future if it's even possible unless a God or something did a miracle I does not even see it happening for me and that is the saddest part because I feel like I deserve the best treatment or at least as good as most other people my age and I feel like I wish I was like everyone else but I am treated badly unfairly and different than most people my life is nothing more than a big tragedy one that I wish no one would have to go through no one should be born into this nightmare