*FOR SALE* Gossiping lips and trembled tongues have muttered the infamous names of the Originals-the Mikaelson family. Those who wondered of the all-powerful Bennett line could only think with mind-thought, while the doppelgangers of the Gilbert lineage spread their sanity across the earth's surface. However, throughout all the great familial names spread across the globe, carried through women and birthed through each child, it was the Van Moreno family name that put weight on the tongue. The two words only spoken with bated breath was a name not to be messed with for it not only carried prestige, but guilt, shame, and inequities from a lifetime and on the backs of countless members. "We're a coven by magic and strength, but those who hold Van Moreno are special. By blood and name, by tears and shame, we are family."
6 parts