The sky was an ugly gray. The thick, dark clouds crowded the sky were an even uglier gray. The wind blew with annoying, erratical strengths, sending sand spraying everywhere. Strong, powerful waves crashed against the brown material of the large ship, rocking it back and forth harshly.
It was then, from within the locks of his black hair, his cold steel blue eyes landed on a mop of dirty brown hair.
It must have been his imagination playing tricks on him--it had to be. Being on the sea for so long, he must have been starting to go insane.
But was this insanity causing him to see two narrowed, green eyes staring straight back at him?
But the sound of Hanji's loud 'yahoo!' and screams of, 'I can sense them approaching!', spoke otherwise.
Then again, she was insane too.
How far will a Captain go to get his pirates plunder? Royal balls, dresses, makeup?
But what will happen when this tough feared Pirate meets the Prince of Shiganshina....Prince Eren Jaeger.
His hands chained to a wall. Prince Eren finds himself somehow on a Pirates ship. But not just any Pirates ship.
He is a prisoner on the feared vessel known as the The Black Titan. This feared ship is under control of the most feared and ruthless Pirate ever to be known......Levi Ackerman.
An original story written by myself.
I take no credit for any photos used.