The Matchbox Woman
  • LECTURES 689
  • Votes 28
  • Parties 8
  • DurΓ©e 30m
  • LECTURES 689
  • Votes 28
  • Parties 8
  • DurΓ©e 30m
En cours d'Γ©criture, PubliΓ© initialement fΓ©vr. 20, 2022
Contenu pour adultes
πŸ”ž πŸ”ž ( mature audience)

"I leaned and lingered close to her mouth and waited. Without hesitation she closed the gap and kissed me. It was everything that I imagined and more. She tasted sweet even through her chapped lips. 

I am not sure how long we locked lips but the next thing I knew, I was lifting her up with me as I sat on the edge of the tub. Her legs parted, circled around my waist."

Romance ✿ Josei ✿ Adult Fiction 
 Mature ✿ Post-apocalyptic ✿ Sci Fi

✿ synopsis ✿ Set before the events of Ivo. A story from the POV of a solider who fell in love with homeless street seller. But not all is what meets the eye. Their connection blossoms just a few months before he is due to ship out to an new (first of it's kind) space Orbitor (colony).

✿ Warning ✿ contains adult themes such as violence, trauma, abuse, sexual content, erotica, confinement, bull$hit science fiction Mambo jumbo, and the list goes on. 

❁❁❁Ivo- universe Easter Egg❁❁❁

❁❁❁Message from the Author❁❁❁

Hello, by some miracle, you were able to find this IVO universe side story Easter egg (with your mad Ninja investigative skills). 

Please be ware that this contains major Spoilers .
My R +18 novel version of my webcomic. Too mature to draw. 

Excuse the typos, grammar disasters, tense/verb confusions and everything between. 

These are just the unedited novel script for IVO.


Disclaimer: All text and photos/artwork used in this story are created by/properties of the author.
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