1 part Complete So. A story longer than Walgreen's receipts for a character I now call C.C instead of Chris, I no longer go along the lines of C.C being Shadow Freddy, and this is I believe the first story I ever wrote. A part of one of my other books has a part from this story in it. At the time I first post this, It's 84 fucking google doc pages. Also Michael is called Terrance for some reason-
This story doesn't describe anyone that isn't a human or any of the Aftons, and has a few shitty looking drawings from google paint or whatever the fuck it's called cause I wrote this on a Chromebook. I am going to include the drawings because they are so weird looking and they all look like someone put a bowling ball on someone's body and put a face on it. I can't remember if there's swearing or not. As I write this part, I realize you only see Michael when he is a asshole to his little brother and torments and accidentally kills him. Also, this story line is a freaking sporadic mess.