"Why don't you show emotion Aki-chan?"
Looking down at the blonde haired boy, I broke my mask just for his curiosity and generally smiled.
"It is a secret that I cannot tell you yet Honey-san."
Seeing his facial features sadden and I pulled him into a hug. "I am truly sorry that I cannot tell you."
Looking into his cute brown eyes, I smiled at him again.
"Only you..." I muttered.
"I will only truly smile for you, Honey-san."
Watching as he carefully grabbed a small amount of my hair and started to play with it, Honey-san then platted it and pulled the band off of my wrist and tied the band around the bottom of the plat he had made.
"There. You look even prettier now."
Watching as a full blown grin spread onto Honey-san's face, I hesitated before sharing the grin.
Akihito Norayuki is a girl of little to no emotion. Speaks only when spoken to, she had a kind heart.
After an accident, she is left to pick up the pieces and place herself back together.
She watches quietly, observing everything that goes on around her but is never really noticed.
Can somebody break through her mask and recover the old Akihito?
Authors Note:
This book is unedited so please bare with me as I publish each chapter.
Thank you xxx