This is a WoT One-Shot. HISTORICAL CONTEXT: From 1946 to 1954 the French Empire fought a war to keep control of their colony in Indochina, or present-day Vietnam, against Communist Rebels: this conflict would be the First Indochina War. This war was lost by the French, and it led to what would eventually be the Second Indochina War- The Vietnam War.
Well known in the First Indochina War were two pivotal battles lost by the French- the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, and a subsequent battle, the Battle of Mang Yang Pass, in which G.M. 100, a French retreating armored force, was ambushed on a road by Việt Minh forces. If you're reading this, you probably know the AMX 50 tank. This story is a short tale about what-if a prototype of an AMX 50 w.120 mm was present at the destruction of G.M. 100 and managed to escape into the surrounding jungle.
I don't own World of Tanks, nor do I own any part of Wargaming. However, as always, I wrote this story, so I think that gives me some credit.