In this place called Firesse, there are magical creatures. Fire foxes ( Sinex ), dragon wolves ( Mieres ), and so much more! But there is one certain species that humans are the most afraid of, the Hydras. Now you may be wondering, what in the world is a Hydra? And how come humans are so afraid of them? Well, Hydras are human dragons. There are humans but most have wings and horns, sometimes even a tail! All Hydras can do everything a person can of course, but they also can breath fire and fly. They can even change into the dragons. Depending on the Hydra depends on what kind of dragon you are. There is the white Snowdrags; the strongest of them all, the black Forrestdrags; second strongest, and lastly the green or blue Lovelydrags; the weakest but sweetest. Now you may still have some questions on why humans fear them the most, it's quite simple to understand why. Anger issues, all Hydras have anger issues! It doesn't matter if you're a Lovelydrag, Snowdrag, or a Forrestdrag. They all get mad fast, and it isn't pretty once they do. Fires everywhere! Murders! Towns and cities destroyed! Most places have banned all Hydras from entering their territory. Most Hydras live in Firesses, others live in towns where they are accepted.Within the group of Hydras, there are two little kids ( or what they're called, Sellas ). Their names were Akito and Leo. They met when they were only little kids. The two weren't supposed to meet but Akito was sitting in the forest when Leo came running through the forest and bumped into Akito so they began to become friends. But because Leo was the Snowdrag and Aikto is a Lovelydrag so if Leo was caught hanging out with him, he would get in serious trouble, so they kept it secret. They would meet up in the middle of Firesse so they could hang out everyday. Three years old all the way up to four-teen years old they did this, but one day they got caught and were forced away from one another.