Everywhere I turn people are watching and waiting. Not for me of course, no one watches Alice, nor do they wait for her. But waiting for things to change to get better, to be better. Maybe someday things will be better... or maybe not.
6 years ago, I was 10 years old. 6 years ago this world was happy, people were happy. Yet those very same people fought so hard for control that they nearly destroyed that which they sought control of. They built machines of destruction, used gases that nearly destroyed everything and everyone. 6 years ago the gases leaked and the machines destroyed all technology. The world was pitched into complete darkness and millions died. Alice was created in a lab by scientists in order to be the perfect being, her along with her five brothers and sisters. after the gas leak they escape but are separated. Follow Alice as she fights to reunite her family and her struggle as humanities salvation rests on her shoulders.