Josephine, known as "Jo," is an average junior in college, striving to embrace life and leave her problems behind. Foster, on the other hand, is the social butterfly of the campus, known for constantly making new connections and being the talk of the town. Despite his outgoing nature, Foster has a heart of gold and is unwaveringly supportive of those he cares about. When Jo and Foster embark on a romantic relationship, it appears as though their lives are finally aligning.
However, the course of their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Foster receives life-altering news that forces him to make a difficult decision. As he is compelled to leave Jo behind, the strength of their connection is tested in ways they never anticipated.
Meanwhile, Finley occupies a middle ground in popularity, content with attending occasional parties and spending quiet nights in the common campus space. However, as he grapples with the challenges of being a young father, he finds it difficult to navigate his evolving world.
Join Jo, Finley, and Foster on their journey as their perspectives intertwine. Through alternating points of view, they discover that in order to support each other, they must first embark on a journey of personal healing.
When Ryan is assigned a male dorm by accident, she has no choice but to put up with infuriating(ly hot) college bad boys. But what will she do when things get out of control?
Ryan Knightley is just trying to make it through her freshman year of college without any issues, but she ends up being accidentally placed in a male dorm and is roomed with Nixon Hyze, the most notorious drug dealer on campus. She finds herself intertwined with Nixon after someone close to her dies, and quickly loses herself in the same substances her roommate sells. Nixon's playboy best friend, Seth Jameson, wants to save her...but the more boys she gets involved with, the more out of control Ryan's life seems to get.
Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains scenes of sexual activity, violence, and drug use, which may be triggering for some readers.
[[word count: 100,000-150,000 words]]
Cover designed by Anastasia Wright