The story begins with a 16-year-old boy named Miguel on the Province of Quirino. Miguel is a handsome young man, his haircut is Faded Undercut that has a little bit cutting on the top of his hair making it short but cool, he has thick black eyebrows, he has a fine long nose, his chin is round, he has a fine natural red lip, he has deep brown eyes and a cute smile. He lived in the Province since the day he was born, he is the only son of Mrs. Madrigal, his father died in Leukemia when he was 10 years old. He has one simple goal to go on the top of the hill on his barangay and see whole view of his barangay and to find love. One day he goes to school as his usual routine every school day, he was almost hit by a motorcycle - the driver helped him to get back on his feet and that is how he met a boy named Anton. Anton never had a dream and goal until he found a new feeling for Miguel that let him pursue a goal. They became friends - but their feelings for each other will be given a challenge and a price...a heavy price.