This story revolves around Abeer, Sameer, Sanya, Adya. They four are orphans. Abeer and Adya are siblings. Sameer and Sanya are siblings as well. Being elder brothers Abeer and Sameer always showered unconditional love on Adya and Sanya respectively. Abeer and Sanya are dating. When sameer will get to know about it. He will agree for Abeer and Sanya's relationship but with condition "He will marry Abeer's sister Adya". What will be Abeer's decision will he let his sister marry to Sameer an unknown guy or he will let go his love Sanya? Why Sameer want to marry Adya? Is there any reason related to Sanya or Sameer has other intentions to marry with Adya? Do peep to know the answers of these questions.