Who knew that after all these years and all these hardships id find true love again. But of course he's married. I've made mistakes in the past and I promised myself to never repeat them. And who knows...maybe it's just one sided. I mean he's happily married I'm sure...he's been married for a really long time and has three girls...he's happy. But still, it's not fair. What am I feeling? He makes me laugh all the time..but so did marc and look what happened there. But marc never appreciated who I was. He wanted me to be someone I'm not. Harry accepts me for who I am and loves it. There I go again...he's married jen! I love the beach...so peaceful. Her lips are soft and her body is beyond perfection. How did I get so lucky? Being here with her...feels so perfect. Her smile is what I wake up for and making her laugh makes me feel special and it's become my daily goal. Suddenly it got dark and started to rain...I wake up and jen is gone. Laying beside me is Jill.All Rights Reserved