IMPORTANT TO READ - Keito demon's name is Shunten-dōji and Eichi fallen angel's name is Shinotenshi. My clothing reference for them have been the following cards: Green and Black Gatekeeper for Keito and Angel's Wings for Eichi - I mixed Japanese mythology with Christian mythology and this is what came out. - The song "Achilles, Come Down" has been a great source of inspiration, so has been "As The World Caves In". - The guardian demon of the fallen angel decides it's time to let him go, but his protégé has other plans for them both. - lock·et /ˈläkət/ 1. a small ornamental case, typically made of gold or silver, worn around a person's neck on a chain and used to hold things of sentimental value, such as a photograph or lock of hair. - My Twitter: @/_MissDema My AO3: @/MissDema
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