So uh, Hows my cover? First time I made it. I hope its pretty. Anyways, I'll make each volume of AllHanako stories with each ships on each volume so I guess you read a volume of what ship or OTP you like the most. And we'll start at hananene, so here's the preview:
Yashiro says to Hanako many times that no matter how much he tries, she'll never love him back and will always will. And even if he goes out with someone else, she don't give a care and will be happy that he'll be gone from her life. But what if that really comes true? That Hanako stopped falling for her and moved on to someone else? How will Yashiro react? Will she be happy like she said so, or be jealous and be hurt to see him with someone else? And more importantly, that new girl, her new partner in cleaning the toilets and helping them discipline the supernaturals Yamabuki Akira, (Lemon's cousin) is also in love with Hanako, but to make it more worse, Hanako loves her back! Now his attention focuses on her! What will Yashiro do? Be happy and move on, or take him back, read this story to see what happens....
Genre: Drama, Romance
Ship: Hananene
"Have you ever heard about (y/n)? She's a new student at Kamome High school and she lives with the Minamoto's! Apparently she's some distant cousins of Teru but their NOT dating." Typical rumors. You're not actually related to the Minamoto's, but for simplicity, you tell everybody you are. The truth is, there is much more to you than meets the human eye. Rumors don't bother you though. You have a much more important mission. You need to find 13 year old boy by the name Hanako, and when you do, it won't be pretty.
Hanako x fem!reader
There is a lot more plot than love. Not a ton a fluff and romance and it's a bit dark but I worked hard on it so I hope you enjoy it!
Also I own NONE of the art work displayed in this story. Cover included.