7 parti In corso Per adultiVampires - forever and ever young, blessed with eternal beauty and an insatiable thirst for blood. The perfect fictional creatures, aren't they?
Well, in this story vampires aren't merely a piece of fiction. In fact, they're widely recognized by society. Vampires bring terror to the night, cause endless unsolved cases, and disturb the worldly order, which is why they're officially being hunted by numerous hunters commissioned by the government. Ever since a horrific ritual was performed by the bloodsuckers, their numbers have exploded. When it came to light, the incident made headlines. As their numbers grow, many fall victim to their hunger.
Despite the statistics, our main character Vern never really dealt with their existence. He's living his perfectly average university student life - eating, sleeping, hanging around with his best friend Samir and crushing on the girl of his dreams, Mary. On top of that he's living in a relatively peaceful area. If Vern ever met a vampire, it would be both a terrifying and intriguing experience for him. But the possibility of an encounter is so low - he doesn't have to worry, right? Vern doesn't have a clue yet to what extent his life is about to change. But he should prepare for a perilous path.