Mackenzie Ziegler is a happy, talented little girl on television. She will be very famous when she is older, she is on the red carpet, and has 800 fan accounts. What could go wrong? Kenzie suddenly becomes very sick and her mom takes her to the hospital. Kenzie is diagnosed with brain cancer. The doctors say Mackenzie has a 90 percent chance of dying. Mackenzie dies. Melissa quits dance moms. So does Abby. The show dance moms is shut down and watching episodes will never be the same. Thousands of fans come to Kenzie's funeral. Maddie quits dance moms and becomes depressed. She cries all day and all night. Mackenzie was her only friend at school. She was her bestfriend Andover her so much. Floods of memories come back. Madison can't take it anymore. She tries to commit suicide but her mom catches her and stops her. She is brought to a mental hospital. The whole time Mackenzie watches above from "Heaven Academy" sobbing.All Rights Reserved
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