In the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, seventeen year old Elena Gilbert and her younger brother Jeremy are both in denial following their parents' deaths. Elena is convincing herself she's over it despite her self-imposed social isolation. She tries to hide her grief, but it leads to her becoming emotionally withdrawn, while Jeremy turns to drugs to avoid dealing with his own feelings. Nothing goes as planned for both of them during their first day back at school. A mysterious new student, Stefan Salvatore, attracts Elena's attention. This leaves both her ex-boyfriend Matt jealous and her friend Caroline who also likes Stefan sees her as her rival. Elena's friend, Bonnie, encourages Elena to go for it and talk to him, but she is unconvinced to leaving her social isolation. After Matt's sister Vicki is bitten by something they believe to be an animal, it is revealed that Stefan is a vampire and is hiding it from Elena. Stefan (who does not feed on humans) realizes he is not the only vampire in town. Stefan's estranged older brother Damon Salvatore, who is also a vampire, is the one who bit Vicki is introduced.