22 Bagian Lengkap Dewasa17 year old Ashley has been bullied all her life, mostly by the schools "Bad-Boy" Jaden until one day, everything changes.
My phone vibrated, I lifted up, I had a message from an unknown number and I opened it. I gulped, there was a message written along with a photo. I first looked at the photo, it was me, naked. Then I looked at the message, "Hmm," It said, "How would you like if I posted this on the school website? I'm sure the boys would love it. Do as I say and I might be merciful to you...if I feel like it"
I started crying, he could ruin me in a second and not even care about it. I thought of something to reply. "Wow, I didn't know you found me hot." I sent, feeling good about myself and savage af.