how one late night talk, a little bit of weed and thinking to must have a boyfriend at the age of 18 can change your life.
Fake dating always goes wrong, right? Same for Ella. Pretending to be in a relationship with Rafe Cameron probably wasn't her wisest choice ,after moving to the Outer Banks ,because of her alcoholic mother who has been send to rehab.
„Rafe will change you and he probably already has. Not always in a good way. He will show you the good sides in life and the bad ones, because he lives in both. He will make you overthink everything and everyone ,even him."
I look at her. Tears falling down on my cheek.
„But you changed him too. I have never seen him love anyone like he loves you. In fact , i thought he wasn't able to love at all. But he does. His trust his hard to earn but you did. He loves you, Ella."
mentioning of :
Rape, Abuse , Drugs , Alcohol and ED.
I also use strong language and a lot of cursing so please be aware. <3
She doesn't believe in love and he doesn't know how real love feels like.
how sweet it is to be loved by you. - rafe cameron
! I don't own any of these characters apart from Grace Shoupe and there could be grammar mistakes, please ignore them
published: 18/08/2021
finished: 24/10/2021