9 parts Complete Ryo, a young warrior with untapped potential, joins the prestigious Elemental Academy alongside his brother Tatsuo. At the academy, Ryo quickly forms close bonds with his classmates Yumi and Akira. As they train and compete in the academy's annual Elemental Tournament, their friendship deepens through shared challenges and triumphs.
The tournament is a thrilling showcase of elemental powers, with Ryo, Yumi, and Akira excelling in their matches and earning the admiration of their peers. Despite Tatsuo's early defeat, Ryo, Yumi, and Akira advance to the semifinals, where their skills are put to the test.
In the semifinals, Yumi triumphs over Akira in a fierce battle, and Ryo secures his place in the finals. The final match between Yumi and Ryo is intense and emotional, with Yumi urging Ryo to use his full potential. Despite his growing feelings for Yumi, Ryo fights with all his might, ultimately winning the match but solidifying their bond.
However, the academy's peace is shattered when intruders attack during the final match. Ryo reveals his hidden powers to protect his friends and the academy, defeating the attackers and leaving everyone in awe. This revelation sparks curiosity and questions about Ryo's past, leading to the arrival of Satoshi and other members of the mysterious SCOF organization.
As Ryo's past comes to light, Yumi, Akira, and the other academy members stand by his side, helping him navigate the challenges that arise. Despite the turmoil, the bonds of friendship and love among Ryo, Yumi, and Akira continue to grow stronger. Their journey is far from over, and together, they are ready to face whatever comes next at the Elemental Academy.