Living in Liverpool,United Kingdom was pretty cool, at the time I was young, as in 3 or 4 so very faint memories of the place. I was adopted from some peps in southern United States, a family of five, a dad, a mum, a brother, and a sister. For some reason I don't remember much about learning in Liverpool only some stuff; but the accent kept.Good or bad i was kinda picked on in 3rd and 4th grade because of my accent. I said to them I was from the USA and I had a ''speech'' problem, so they picked on me (not the smartest idea and I taught people would pick on me even more if i told them) Any way it made me kinda sad, but they where expelled for bullying me and others so yeah :D Nathan was his name, the "class clown" he named himself. He got so angry because i ignored him, so like any SANE person he hit me in front of the teacher; he wasn't the smartest. Later in 6th grade I said i was English (British)and that I was from Liverpool and it ended up it was "cute" or "hot" because of my nationality still don't know why (please tell in comments). But after getting sick like not a cold or flu sick but a lose 30 to 40 pounds sick it sucked (duh). And now i attempting to gain back the weight I lost so far, and I can also speak Swedish! and now i'm exercising and studying got some good friends and just going back up. So that was me and how I am British in America and American schools!