"How did they know to leave Valyria, Maester?"
"They say Daenys Targaryen had prophetic dreams.Twelve years before the Doom, it is documented she dreamt of the end of Valyria."
Maester Luwin chuckled as he looked to Brandon Stark whose attention he had only just gotten during their lesson for the day.
"Whether she did, no one can say, young Prince. She died more than three hundred years ago. But whatever she told her father was enough to convince him to leave Valyria."
"He tried to convince all the other Dragonlord's, didn't he? Got labelled 'The Exile' because of it. Only a few listened to the warning."
"That is true. Out of thirty-nine, only ten listened. Because of the warning, all were spared in the Doom and during what is now known as the century of blood. House's Targaryen, Velaryon, Rhaeleris, Celtigar, Caeniar, Velraenos, Dallaeron, Rhaentheon, Mellarys, Tarennis, and Vaelaleas have kept the Freehold alive since."