"Hum..." Diana hummed quietly, pulling back from Stiles a little and giggling slightly when he chased her lips again for another peck. "But tell me, Detective... Do you think next week you could get out of work a little earlier as well?"
"Hum..." Stiles hummed back at her, his head already nodding in agreement even if Diana was pretty sure he hadn't even heard her at all. "Yeah, sure..."
"Stiles, I'm serious." Diana laughed again, placing her hand over his face and pushing him back as Stiles whined, but finally let go of her body and took a step back from her. "Can you? At least one day? We have to keep looking for the house, baby, because as much as I love your dad, if we want to go any further into a relationship, we kind of need a house of our own, right?"
"You're right." Stiles nodded then, a hand running through his hair that Diana had absentmindedly messed up while they smacked mouths inside Stiles' dad house like two horny teenagers. Diana bit her lip quietly, the sight of Stiles' messy hair and swollen lips a tempting one that drove absolutely up the walls even if she did have to hold herself back once she heard the water running from the bathroom and she was reminded her boyfriend's dad was actually just in the other room. Yet another piece of evidence Diana would be a lot happier sharing a home only with her boyfriend - and she was pretty sure Stiles would feel the same. "I'll talk to my dad, okay? But I promise we'll go house-hunting again next week. We'll find our new home soon, baby, I promise."
Some of the characters aren't mine. All of the rights go to their rightful owners.
A single choice changes the whole story.
Stiles moved away from the flashlights and cadaver dogs as he wasn't necessarily excited to get caught by his father.
He had gone the exact opposite direction of the barking and beams of light and now he was lost somewhere in the woods with Scott, his asthmatic best friend beside him. who was taking a puff from his inhaler for every third step and it was irritating to say the least.
It felt like they had been wandering around for a long time, when they came across a gigantic wolf.
It could have been the sighting of a Wolf in California for the first time in 60 years.
He could have taken a pic to prove it but the wolf seemed to hate the idea.
So they ran.
They ran while bleeding from it's bites.
They didn't know but a new chapter has been opened in their boring life.
• Universes combined till now:-
-Teen Wolf
-Scream [V - VI]
• Stiles won't be a werewolf.
• It will be Harem if I need it to be Harem.
• No yaoi [Don't even think about it]
• I would (in the worst case scenario) have a Twilight crossover.
Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Teen Wolf or the Cover pic.
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