TRIGGER WARNING: Slavery, Abuse, Prejudice, Body disfiguration, body horror, gore, perversion, internalized homophobia, Homophobia (1900s man), peer pressure, betrayal, slight nudity (if you count the naked ink demon), CAPITALISM, ANSGT LOTS OF ANGST
Head Cannons FOR FIC/AU:
*The Cycle or Time Loop in the game is caused by THE END Reel Henry plays in chapter 5, restarting the game.
*The Ink is similar to a parasite and virus in how it spreads.
*Joey is responsible for Susie's death and many other workers in the studio in his strive for "Perfection" in the form of ink. This need for perfection was increased when he came into contact with the ink, but when he lost control of the ink and its creations he closed off the studio and made the Reel, not to protect people, but to feel as though he has control.
*Nathan Ark knew of the machine and its secrets
Plot: THE END Reel, Broken. Henry, escaped. Joey, dead. The Ink Demon and the rest of the ones trapped in the studio are finally at peace, Or so they thought. Suddenly, Joey Drew's Ex Sponsor and new owner of Joey Drew Studios, invades the studio with the intention to make the victims of the ink his new money-making sheep. A new Bendy Land Themed horror attraction, and his star performers? The most powerful beings of the studio, now puppets for his enjoyment. Perhaps if the once enemies work together, they can set themselves and their people free from this...... INKPOCOLAPSE.
Authors note: Readers, I welcome you to the first edition of Ink-Pocolapse! {see the pun?}. This has been in the works for a while in my little cucumber brain as this is my attempt at actually trying at something! I hope you enjoy my attempt at a serious fic.