Synopsis: Aunt Lucretia - 'Crete' to her family - is a sweet, patient older woman, who lives with her narrow-minded sister and spoilt niece, acting as their unpaid and unappreciated domestic servant. When they leave town in order to avoid the unexpected visit of a "backwoods" cousin, she is left at home to welcome him. She's willing to love him whatever he's like, and he's looking for a home having lost his mother years before, so the two are ready to become fast friends. But what does that mean for Aunt Crete's prejudiced relatives and how can their wrongs against her be remedied? Info: Out of Copyright, not mine. If you like this kind of story please follow me on this and my other account, I will be posting more in the future. ^-^ I changed the cover because I think this photo fits more with the design of the characters in my imagination.