Hallo guys, buat yang bingung apakah ini.
Jadi ini adalah kumpulan short scene dari Seventeen.
Apa itu short scene?
Sebelumnya di akun instagram aku, aku membuat tiga bagian cerita. Yaitu long story, oneshoot dan short scene. Oke, aku jelasin yaa ...
LONG STORY : Cerita panjang, cerita ini bisa ada beberapa part sampai akhirnya ending. Dari awal hingga akhir cerita.
ONESHOOT : Cerita yang menceritakan dari awal sampai akhir tapi lebih sedikit dibandingkan long story.
SHORT SCENE : Ini adalah cerita yang paling singkat, kenapa aku namain short scene? Karena memang yang ditampilkan itu hanya satu bagian aja, percakapan singkat, mungkin seperti thread kali yaa ... Jadi cuma singkat aja.
Biasanya di short scene, aku selalu membuat dua versi. Dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia. Short scene ini berisi semua member ya, kecuali Woozi. Karena Woozi nantinya punya slot short scene tersendiri. Hehehe.
Enjoy the story and happy reading!!
Hello guys, for those who are confused about what this is. So this is a collection of short scenes from Seventeen.
What are short scenes?
Previously on my Instagram account, I created a three-part story. Namely long story, one shot and short scene. OK, I'll explain...
LONG STORY: Long story, this story can have several parts until the end. From the beginning to the end of the story.
ONESHOOT : A story that tells from beginning to end but less than a long story.
SHORT SCENE : This is the shortest story, why do I call it short scene? Because what is shown is only one part, a short conversation, maybe like this thread... So it's just a short one.
Usually in short scenes, I always make two versions. In English and Indonesian. This short scene contains all the members, except Woozi. Because Woozi will have his own short scene slot. Hehehe.
Enjoy the story and happy reading!!