One day, a princess dies and leaves her younger (weirder) sister to be the next queen. But the younger princess' parents decide that she is not ready and try and think of a way to postpone the coronation. Luckily this is in the year 3067 and by then every royal child is cloned at birth so that if the 'original' as they call them is being threatened, they have someone to stand in. The royal clones are never told that they are not a normal person until they are needed. The parents of the princess find the older princess' clone and orders her to take the dead princess' place on the throne. What try don't tell her is that the princess didn't die of natural causes, she was assassinated, and pretending to be her would be very dangerous. Knowing this, the parents assign the clone a guard to protect her, a very attractive one *winky faceAll Rights Reserved
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