Inspired by Jack Kerouac's "Book of Haikus". Kerouac invented his own personal style of haiku in which he wrote three short, simple lines that had great impact. He strayed away from the traditional 5-7-5 pattern to suit his view of the American language, which he thought was "bursting to pop." "Above all, a Haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi Pastorella." -Jack Kerouac So, after reading Kerouac's little book of haiku, I started jotting my own down for a little while. I should say that mine are not connected to nature like Kerouac's. They are my interpretations. Not nearly as effortless, lighthearted, or maybe not even impactful at all, but we can't all be like music. (I will probably be updating these in parts whenever they come to me)All Rights Reserved
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