ONGOING last updated/Edited: March 18, 2022 TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, Depression, Dead body description, Gore Angst/Comfort ______________________________________________________________________ Ataraxia Noun: a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility. Ataraxia means living without anxiety. ___________________________________________________________________ You're a ghost that died young, died from your own hands, Not ready to move on to the after life because of regret; You see a boy with wild purple hair on the cliff of a abandoned building who looked like he was gonna jump. Not wanting him to make the same mistakes as you; You act without thinking and save his life. Shinsou Hitoshi was a boy who is exhausted and tired of being picked on by his peers, He wanted to live a normal life and succeed but the pressure was cracking and he wanted to be freed from it, from it all, He makes a decision that he knows he'll regret and he doesn't care. Shinsou feels light headed.All Rights Reserved