OK... So.... It wus ada rk and stoemy nigght. Thewind was howling and the pastas were out. the slendi man was out and aboot killing people while jeffi were stabbing people in da buttz. (jeffi nd sleny are <3<3) Anyways, Tobee and Ben decied to take a day of and play videogames!!!! (They luve eachotehrs an stufffs butt they dun no!! :D) Anyways, after they wer done playin videogames, they wanted to wach a moiveeee. Dey both chose to wach the BEE MOVIE!!!!! They put it in teh dvd player and it played. Jus when that happen, Berri the beecame out of noweres. Tikky and ben wer very very happy to see berry because hes rlly cool and cute. Berry gave tiaccy and ben bedroom wyes and tats when they new the 'signal'. They all became very very hawt an had to relive ther sesual tenson. They al ggot out ther bepises. Off corse Berry's was the biggest. (>///<) His 'Beener' was 20 inches long seeping with sweet tangy huny luvvvvvv.~<3 Ticci's love stickrwas 2nd largest at 10 inchs.Hr was hardddd. Ben's was th smawlest at 7 inchies. (ono poor bennnnnnn <3 u bby ilu) ben began to drool wit envy and sucked on beris beeper. Tobit played with beris fuzzy be balls. They did that till he came honi everywerez and all over the place. Afterwards beni fucked tiki and ben at the same time. They both came very much at the same time. They erwe drowning in cummies and did this 69 times. It was wonderful to the last drop. And then a skeleton poped out. THE ENDDDDD!!!!! XDXDXDXD:SSSDDDDDDAll Rights Reserved