Following the end of the 4th Global War, the planet Terra took the toll of the last war fought by its inhabitants. The massive war caused devastating loss of infrastructure, lives, livelihood, economy, and total devastation of the environment, the Terrans suffered after the war, with the environment slowly dying and leaving them no fresh oxygen to breathe and food. They are forced to live inside the "Domes" where they are protected from the harmful elements scattered across the world. Without any more hope of restoring what is lost, a sudden event occurred in one of Terra's Domes where men in iron armors armed with swords attacked the civilians, the Confederate acted quickly and manage to cease the slaughter. The Confederate sent numbers of soldiers and experts inside a gate-like structure and was surprised...
-This story is inspired by the Anime Gate:Thus the JSDF fought there.
-The images used in the series serve only as references, it does not belong to me.
-The story itself is my original work.