Alice... Thats her name? Clint asked behind the glass of the intargation room. Alice Faye-Flynn, her father works for HYDRA, and her mother died. How old is she? I heard Nat ask. ...16. Fury answered 16! We all say in unison. All i remember is, i was on a mission a sighned by HYDRA... To go into one of S. H. I. E. L. D's facilities to get weapon information.... But i was stoped by the Avengers. If i'm being honest... I was scared when i noticed that Black Widow, Winter Soldier, were there because i knew that they are really strong. But i hide the fact i was scared, with anger. I started to run but before i knew i was tackled to the ground and taken to Shield. I DON'T OWN AVENGERS! OR MARVEL! ITS GO'S TO THE CREATOR! I only own Alice and her back story. And Kalia which is a made up character that is sam's daughter!! and Alf! Loki and Thor's Brother. Achlys and Frosty is Owned by @xxJuicexX3 he's writing his story for this Right now, go check it out pls! And sorry if this is cringy and sorry for the spelling mistakes